# Quick start guide The Version Control package will allow you to use Plastic SCM for Unity for your projects in the Unity Editor. Plastic SCM for Unity integrates Plastic SCM in Unity that will abstract version control complexity, like Collaborate. It will also enable you to work collaboratively on more complex projects by providing additional VCS features such as branching, locking, merging, and a standalone GUI. **Note** : For information on upgrading projects from Collaborate to Plastic SCM, see [Upgrade from Collaborate to Plastic SCM](UpgradeCollab.md). The Version Control package follows the Unity support schedule. Currently, supported versions are: * 2019.4.29f1 * 2020.3.15f1 * 2021.1.15f1 * 2021.2.0b6 * 2022.1.0a4 [Getting started with Plastic SCM for Unity](StartPlasticForUnity.md)