[About version control](index.md) * [Quick start guide](QuickStartGuide.md) * [Upgrade from Collaborate to Plastic SCM](UpgradeCollab.md) * [Switch between Collaborate and Plastic SCM](SwitchCollabAndPlastic.md) * [Upgrade from Collaborate without moving the history](MigrateCollabHistory.md) * [Access remote projects](AccessRemoteProjects.md) * [Add team members](AddMembers.md) * [Reconnect Cloud Build](ReconnectCB.md) * [Add integrations](AddIntegrations.md) * [Getting started with Plastic SCM for Unity](StartPlasticForUnity.md) * [Getting started with a new Plastic SCM repository](NewPlasticRepo.md) * [Getting started with an existing Plastic SCM repository](ExistingPlasticRepo.md) * [Main features](MainFeatures.md) * [Pending Changes](MainFeatures.md#pending-changes) * [Incoming Changes](MainFeatures.md#incoming-changes) * [Project History](MainFeatures.md#project-history) * [Plastic SCM for Git users](PlasticForGitUsers.md) * [Glossary](Glossary.md) * [General terms](Glossary.md#general-terms) * [Plastic SCM terms](Glossary.md#plastic-scm-terms) * [FAQ](Faq.md)