using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; public class UILevelSelection : MonoBehaviour { #if UNITY_EDITOR [HelpAttribute("Open the 'Level Data' Dropdown to add/edit level information. If you want to change the layout go to the 'LevelGrid' Gameobject and edit the settings of the 'Grid Layout Group'.", UnityEditor.MessageType.Info)] #endif public GameObject LevelItemPrefab; public GameObject UIGrid; public LevelData[] levelData; private bool selectFirstLevel = true; void Start(){ int levelCount = 0; //Create level items in UIgrid foreach(LevelData _leveldata in levelData){ //Save level list in globalGameData for later use GlobalGameSettings.LevelData.Add(_leveldata); //Create a UI level item GameObject UILevelItem = GameObject.Instantiate(LevelItemPrefab, UIGrid.transform) as GameObject; //Fill UI level item with data if(UILevelItem != null){ = _leveldata.levelTitle; //pass level data to level item UILevelItem levelItem = UILevelItem.GetComponent(); if(levelItem != null){ levelItem.levelData = _leveldata; levelItem.levelData.levelId = levelCount; levelCount ++; } //Select the 1st level if(selectFirstLevel) { EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(UILevelItem); selectFirstLevel = false; } //Set level text Text levelTitle = UILevelItem.GetComponentInChildren(); if(levelTitle != null) levelTitle.text = _leveldata.levelTitle; //Load level sprite...if there is one Image levelImg = UILevelItem.GetComponent(); if(levelImg == null) return; if(_leveldata.levelSprite == null) { levelImg.enabled = false; Debug.Log("No level sprite assigned for " + _leveldata.levelTitle); } else { levelImg.sprite = _leveldata.levelSprite; } } } } } [System.Serializable] public class LevelData { public string levelTitle = ""; public Sprite levelSprite; public string sceneToLoad = ""; [HideInInspector] public int levelId = 0; }