using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; public static class EnemyManager { public static List enemyList = new List(); //the total list of enemies in the current level public static List enemiesAttackingPlayer = new List(); //a list of enemies that are currently attacking public static List activeEnemies = new List(); //a list of enemies that are currently active //Removes an enemy from the enemy list public static void RemoveEnemyFromList( GameObject g ){ enemyList.Remove(g); SetEnemyTactics(); } //Sets the tactics for each enemy in the current wave public static void SetEnemyTactics(){ getActiveEnemies(); if(activeEnemies.Count > 0){ for(int i=0; i().SetEnemyTactic(ENEMYTACTIC.ENGAGE); } else { activeEnemies[i].GetComponent().SetEnemyTactic(ENEMYTACTIC.KEEPMEDIUMDISTANCE); } } } } //Force all enemies to use a certain tactic public static void ForceEnemyTactic(ENEMYTACTIC tactic){ getActiveEnemies(); if(activeEnemies.Count > 0){ for(int i=0; i().SetEnemyTactic(tactic); } } } //Disables all enemy AI's public static void DisableAllEnemyAIs(){ getActiveEnemies(); if(activeEnemies.Count > 0){ for(int i=0; i ().enableAI = false; } } } //Returns a list of enemies that are currently active public static void getActiveEnemies(){ activeEnemies.Clear(); foreach(GameObject enemy in enemyList){ if(enemy != null && enemy.activeSelf)activeEnemies.Add(enemy); } } //Player has died public static void PlayerHasDied(){ DisableAllEnemyAIs(); enemyList.Clear(); } //Returns the maximum number of enemies that can attack the player at once (Tools/GameSettings) static int MaxEnemyAttacking(){ EnemyWaveSystem EWS = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); if(EWS != null) return EWS.MaxAttackers; return 3; } //Set an enemy to agressive state public static void setAgressive(GameObject enemy){ enemy.GetComponent().SetEnemyTactic(ENEMYTACTIC.ENGAGE); //set another enemy to passive state foreach(GameObject e in activeEnemies){ if (e != enemy) { e.GetComponent().SetEnemyTactic (ENEMYTACTIC.KEEPMEDIUMDISTANCE); return; } } } }