Thanks for buying the Beat'Em Up Game template! I hope the contents of this package will give you a great boost in developing your own Beat 'Em Up game. Please check out my YouTube channel for tutorials and more information about this product: or check out the FAQ section of this asset here: If you have any questions, you can contact me at: UPDATE HISTORY --- Update 1.4 - ADDED Main Menu and implemented Basic UI menu flow - ADDED Level Selection Screen - ADDED Training scene where you can test moves and see input information - ADDED Run functionality on double tap (direction keys) - ADDED Run attacks (punch & kick) - ADDED New input manager, you can now add new input actions in the inspector - ADDED The name and player portrait in the HUD can now be set on the player prefab (Health System component) - ADDED SpawnItemOnDestroy. Add this script to an enemy if you want this enemy to spawn a specific item when the enemy is defeated. - CHANGED The player now jumps only once when the jump button is pressed and held down. - FIXED Bug where the player got stuck in his fallDown animation when colliding in mid-air - FIXED The Enemy healthbar is now hidden at start - FIXED Bug where the player direction was different than it's graphic representation. This occurred when an opposite direction key was tapped shortly after an attack. Update 1.3 - FIXED a bug in playermovement.cs where the player could get strange jittery movement when going left/right or when turning during a jump. - ADDED code that turns projectiles towards their travel direction. Update 1.2 - ADDED a character selection screen - ADDED a new playable character - ADDED a PlayerSpawnPoint to the level - ADDED a 'gun pickup' and 'baseball bat' pickup - ADDED 'EnemyNames.txt' to the project, so you can edit/add enemy names by editing the text file - MOVED the MaxAttackers variable from 'Tools/GameSettings' to 'EnemyWaveManager'. So you can change the amount of enemies attacking simultaneously per level - ADDED support for characters that have multiple mesh renderers - ADDED option for enemy attacks to override player defence - REMOVED linked components section in playerMovement and playerCombat. The code will now try to find these components automatically - ADDED support for root motion animation Update 1.1 - Switched player and enemy character to a Humanoid rig Update 1.0 - First Release