using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class EnemyAI : EnemyActions, IDamagable{ [Space(10)] public bool enableAI; //a list of states where the AI is executed private List ActiveAIStates = new List { UNITSTATE.IDLE, UNITSTATE.WALK }; void Start(){ //add this enemy to the enemylist EnemyManager.enemyList.Add(gameObject); //set z spread (zspread is used to keep space between the enemies) ZSpread = (EnemyManager.enemyList.Count-1); Invoke ("SetZSpread", .1f); //randomize values to avoid synchronous movement if(randomizeValues) SetRandomValues(); OnStart(); } void FixedUpdate(){ OnFixedUpdate(); } void LateUpdate(){ OnLateUpdate(); } void Update(){ //do nothing when there is no target or when AI is disabled if (target == null || !enableAI) { Ready (); return; } else { //get range to target range = GetDistanceToTarget (); } if(!isDead && enableAI){ if(ActiveAIStates.Contains(enemyState) && targetSpotted) { //AI active AI(); } else { //try to spot the player if(distanceToTarget.magnitude < sightDistance) targetSpotted = true; } } } void AI(){ LookAtTarget(target.transform); if (range == RANGE.ATTACKRANGE){ //attack the target if (!cliffSpotted){ if (Time.time - lastAttackTime > attackInterval) { ATTACK(); } else { Ready(); } return; } //actions for ATTACKRANGE distance if (enemyTactic == ENEMYTACTIC.KEEPCLOSEDISTANCE) WalkTo(closeRangeDistance, 0f); if (enemyTactic == ENEMYTACTIC.KEEPMEDIUMDISTANCE) WalkTo(midRangeDistance, RangeMarging); if (enemyTactic == ENEMYTACTIC.KEEPFARDISTANCE) WalkTo(farRangeDistance, RangeMarging); if (enemyTactic == ENEMYTACTIC.STANDSTILL) Ready (); } else { //actions for CLOSERANGE, MIDRANGE & FARRANGE distances if (enemyTactic == ENEMYTACTIC.ENGAGE) WalkTo (attackRangeDistance, 0f); if (enemyTactic == ENEMYTACTIC.KEEPCLOSEDISTANCE) WalkTo(closeRangeDistance, RangeMarging); if (enemyTactic == ENEMYTACTIC.KEEPMEDIUMDISTANCE) WalkTo(midRangeDistance, RangeMarging); if (enemyTactic == ENEMYTACTIC.KEEPFARDISTANCE) WalkTo(farRangeDistance, RangeMarging); if (enemyTactic == ENEMYTACTIC.STANDSTILL) Ready(); } } //update the current range private RANGE GetDistanceToTarget(){ if (target != null) { //get distance from the target distanceToTarget = target.transform.position - transform.position; distance = Vector3.Distance (target.transform.position, transform.position); float distX = Mathf.Abs(distanceToTarget.x); float distZ = Mathf.Abs(distanceToTarget.z); //AttackRange if(distX <= attackRangeDistance){ if(distZ < (hitZRange/2f)) return RANGE.ATTACKRANGE; else return RANGE.CLOSERANGE; } //Close Range if (distX > attackRangeDistance && distX < midRangeDistance) return RANGE.CLOSERANGE; //Mid range if(distX > closeRangeDistance && distance < farRangeDistance) return RANGE.MIDRANGE; //Far range if(distX > farRangeDistance) return RANGE.FARRANGE; } return RANGE.FARRANGE; } //set an enemy tactic public void SetEnemyTactic(ENEMYTACTIC tactic){ enemyTactic = tactic; } //spread enemies out in z distance void SetZSpread(){ ZSpread = (ZSpread - (float)(EnemyManager.enemyList.Count - 1) / 2f) * (capsule.radius*2) * zSpreadMultiplier; if (ZSpread > attackRangeDistance) ZSpread = attackRangeDistance - 0.1f; } //Unit has died void Death(){ StopAllCoroutines(); CancelInvoke(); enableAI = false; isDead = true; animator.SetAnimatorBool("isDead", true); Move(, 0); EnemyManager.RemoveEnemyFromList(gameObject); gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer ("Default"); //ground death if(enemyState == UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWNGROUNDED) { StartCoroutine(GroundHit()); } else { //normal death animator.SetAnimatorTrigger("Death"); } GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition("EnemyDeath", transform.position); StartCoroutine (animator.FlickerCoroutine(2)); enemyState = UNITSTATE.DEATH; DestroyUnit(); } } public enum ENEMYTACTIC { ENGAGE = 0, KEEPCLOSEDISTANCE = 1, KEEPMEDIUMDISTANCE = 2, KEEPFARDISTANCE = 3, STANDSTILL = 4, } public enum RANGE { ATTACKRANGE, CLOSERANGE, MIDRANGE, FARRANGE, }