using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif public class InputManager : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Input Type")] public INPUTTYPE inputType; public List keyBoardControls = new List(); // a list of keyboard control input public List joypadControls = new List(); // a list of joypad control input [Header("Double Tap Settings")] public float doubleTapSpeed = .3f; private float lastInputTime = 0f; private string lastInputAction = ""; //delegates public delegate void DirectionInputEventHandler(Vector2 dir, bool doubleTapActive); public static event DirectionInputEventHandler onDirectionInputEvent; public delegate void InputEventHandler(string action, BUTTONSTATE buttonState); public static event InputEventHandler onInputEvent; [Space(15)] public static bool defendKeyDown; private float doubleTapTime; void Start(){ //automatically enable touch controls on IOS or android #if UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID inputType = INPUTTYPE.TOUCHSCREEN; #endif } public static void DirectionEvent(Vector2 dir, bool doubleTapActive){ if( onDirectionInputEvent != null) onDirectionInputEvent(dir, doubleTapActive); } void Update(){ //use keyboard if (inputType == INPUTTYPE.KEYBOARD) KeyboardControls(); //use joypad if (inputType == INPUTTYPE.JOYPAD) JoyPadControls(); } void KeyboardControls(){ float x = 0; float y = 0; bool doubleTapState = false; foreach(InputControl inputControl in keyBoardControls){ if(onInputEvent == null) return; //on keyboard key down if(Input.GetKeyDown(inputControl.key)){ doubleTapState = DetectDoubleTap(inputControl.Action); onInputEvent(inputControl.Action, BUTTONSTATE.PRESS); } //on keyboard key up if(Input.GetKeyUp(inputControl.key)){ onInputEvent(inputControl.Action, BUTTONSTATE.RELEASE); } //convert keyboard direction keys to x,y values (every frame) if(Input.GetKey(inputControl.key)){ if(inputControl.Action == "Left") x = -1f; else if(inputControl.Action == "Right") x = 1f; else if(inputControl.Action == "Up") y = 1; else if(inputControl.Action == "Down") y = -1; } //defend key exception (checks the defend state every frame) if(inputControl.Action == "Defend") defendKeyDown = Input.GetKey(inputControl.key); } //send a direction event DirectionEvent(new Vector2(x,y), doubleTapState); } void JoyPadControls(){ if(onInputEvent == null) return; //on Joypad button press foreach(InputControl inputControl in joypadControls){ if(Input.GetKeyDown(inputControl.key)) onInputEvent(inputControl.Action,BUTTONSTATE.PRESS); //defend key exception (checks the defend state every frame) if(inputControl.Action == "Defend") defendKeyDown = Input.GetKey(inputControl.key); } //get Joypad direction axis float x = Input.GetAxis("Joypad Left-Right"); float y = Input.GetAxis("Joypad Up-Down"); //send a direction event DirectionEvent(new Vector2(x,y).normalized, false); } //this function is called when a touch screen button is pressed public void OnTouchScreenInputEvent(string action, BUTTONSTATE buttonState){ onInputEvent(action, buttonState); //defend exception if(action == "Defend") defendKeyDown = (buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS); } //this function is used for the touch screen thumb-stick public void OnTouchScreenJoystickEvent(Vector2 joystickDir){ DirectionEvent(joystickDir.normalized, false); } //returns true if a key double tap is detected bool DetectDoubleTap(string action){ bool doubleTapDetected = ((Time.time - lastInputTime < doubleTapSpeed) && (lastInputAction == action)); lastInputAction = action; lastInputTime = Time.time; return doubleTapDetected; } } //--------------- // ENUMS //--------------- [System.Serializable] public class InputControl { public string Action; public INPUTTYPE inputType; public KeyCode key; } public enum INPUTTYPE { KEYBOARD = 0, JOYPAD = 5, TOUCHSCREEN = 10, } public enum BUTTONSTATE { PRESS = 0, RELEASE = 5, HOLD = 10, } //------------- // EDITOR SCRIPT //------------- #if UNITY_EDITOR [CustomEditor(typeof(InputManager))] public class InputManagerEditor : Editor { public override void OnInspectorGUI(){ InputManager inputManager = (InputManager)target; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 120; EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 100; //input type GUILayout.Space(10); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Input Type", EditorStyles.boldLabel); inputManager.inputType = (INPUTTYPE)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Input Type:", inputManager.inputType); GUILayout.Space(15); //keyboard controls if(inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.KEYBOARD) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Keyboard Keys", EditorStyles.boldLabel); foreach(InputControl inputControl in inputManager.keyBoardControls){ GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); inputControl.Action = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Action:", inputControl.Action); inputControl.key = (KeyCode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Key:", inputControl.key, GUILayout.Width(350)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } //joypad controls if(inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.JOYPAD){ EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Joypad Keys", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("* The direction keys are mapped onto the joypad thumbstick."); foreach(InputControl inputControl in inputManager.joypadControls){ GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); inputControl.Action = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Action:", inputControl.Action); inputControl.key = (KeyCode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Key:", inputControl.key, GUILayout.Width(350)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } //touch Screen controls if(inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.TOUCHSCREEN){ EditorGUILayout.LabelField("* You can edit the touchscreen buttons in the 'UI' prefab in the project folder."); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" Inside the prefab go to: UI/Canvas/TouchScreenControls"); } GUILayout.Space(15); if(inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.KEYBOARD || inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.JOYPAD){ GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //button: add a new action if(GUILayout.Button("Add Input Action", GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(25))){ if(inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.KEYBOARD) inputManager.keyBoardControls.Add(new InputControl()); if(inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.JOYPAD) inputManager.joypadControls.Add(new InputControl()); } //button: delete last action bool showDeleteButton = (inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.KEYBOARD && inputManager.keyBoardControls.Count>0) || (inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.JOYPAD && inputManager.joypadControls.Count>0) ? true : false; if(showDeleteButton && GUILayout.Button ("Delete Input Action", GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(25))){ if(inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.KEYBOARD && inputManager.keyBoardControls.Count>0) inputManager.keyBoardControls.RemoveAt(inputManager.keyBoardControls.Count-1); if(inputManager.inputType == INPUTTYPE.JOYPAD && inputManager.joypadControls.Count>0) inputManager.joypadControls.RemoveAt(inputManager.joypadControls.Count-1); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(15); } //double tap settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Double Tap Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); inputManager.doubleTapSpeed = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Double Tap Speed:", inputManager.doubleTapSpeed); EditorUtility.SetDirty (inputManager); } } #endif