using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; [RequireComponent (typeof(Rigidbody))] [RequireComponent (typeof(UnitState))] public class PlayerCombat : MonoBehaviour, IDamagable { [Header ("Linked Components")] public Transform weaponBone; //the bone were weapon will be parented on private UnitAnimator animator; //link to the animator component private UnitState playerState; //the state of the player private Rigidbody rb; [Header("Attack Data & Combos")] public float hitZRange = 2f; //the z range of attacks private int attackNum = -1; //the current attack combo number [Space(5)] public DamageObject[] PunchCombo; //a list of punch attacks public DamageObject[] KickCombo; //a list of kick Attacks public DamageObject JumpKickData; //jump kick Attack public DamageObject GroundPunchData; //Ground punch Attack public DamageObject GroundKickData; //Ground kick Attack public DamageObject RunningPunch; //punch attack during the run animation public DamageObject RunningKick; //kick attack during the run animation private DamageObject lastAttack; //data from the last attack that has taken place [Header("Settings")] public bool blockAttacksFromBehind = false; //block enemy attacks coming from behind public bool comboContinueOnHit = true; //only continue a combo when the previous attack was a hit public bool resetComboChainOnChangeCombo; //restart a combo when switching to a different combo chain public bool invulnerableDuringJump = false; //check if the player can be hit during a jump public float hitRecoveryTime = .4f; //the time it takes to recover from a hit public float hitThreshold = .2f; //the time before we can get hit again public float hitKnockBackForce = 1.5f; //the knockback force when we get hit public float GroundAttackDistance = 1.5f; //the distance from an enemy at which a ground attack can be preformed public int knockdownHitCount = 3; //the number of times the player can be hit before being knocked down public float KnockdownTimeout = 0; //the time before we stand up after a knockdown public float KnockdownUpForce = 5; //the Up force of a knockDown public float KnockbackForce = 4; //the horizontal force of a knockDown public float KnockdownStandUpTime = .8f; //the time it takes for the stand up animation to finish [Header("Audio")] public string knockdownVoiceSFX = ""; public string hitVoiceSFX = ""; public string deathVoiceSFX = ""; public string defenceHitSFX = ""; public string dropSFX = ""; [Header ("Stats")] public DIRECTION currentDirection; //the current direction public GameObject itemInRange; //an item that is currently in interactable range private Weapon currentWeapon; //the current weapon the player is holding private DIRECTION defendDirection; //the direction while defending private bool continuePunchCombo; //true if a punch combo needs to continue private bool continueKickCombo; //true if the a kick combo needs to continue private float lastAttackTime = 0; //time of the last attack [SerializeField] private bool targetHit; //true if the last hit has hit a target private int hitKnockDownCount = 0; //the number of times the player is hit in a row private int hitKnockDownResetTime = 2; //the time before the hitknockdown counter resets private float LastHitTime = 0; // the last time when we were hit private bool isDead = false; //true if this player has died private int EnemyLayer; // the enemy layer private int DestroyableObjectLayer; // the destroyable object layer private int EnvironmentLayer; //the environment layer private LayerMask HitLayerMask; // a list of all hittable objects private bool isGrounded; private Vector3 fixedVelocity; private bool updateVelocity; private string lastAttackInput; private DIRECTION lastAttackDirection; //a list of states when the player can attack private List AttackStates = new List { UNITSTATE.IDLE, UNITSTATE.WALK, UNITSTATE.RUN, UNITSTATE.JUMPING, UNITSTATE.PUNCH, UNITSTATE.KICK, UNITSTATE.DEFEND, }; //list of states where the player can be hit private List HitableStates = new List { UNITSTATE.DEFEND, UNITSTATE.HIT, UNITSTATE.IDLE, UNITSTATE.LAND, UNITSTATE.PUNCH, UNITSTATE.KICK, UNITSTATE.THROW, UNITSTATE.WALK, UNITSTATE.RUN, UNITSTATE.GROUNDKICK, UNITSTATE.GROUNDPUNCH, }; //list of states where the player can activate defence private List DefendStates = new List { UNITSTATE.IDLE, UNITSTATE.DEFEND, UNITSTATE.WALK, UNITSTATE.RUN, }; //a list of states where the player can change direction private List MovementStates = new List { UNITSTATE.IDLE, UNITSTATE.WALK, UNITSTATE.RUN, UNITSTATE.JUMPING, UNITSTATE.JUMPKICK, UNITSTATE.LAND, UNITSTATE.DEFEND, }; //--- void OnEnable(){ InputManager.onInputEvent += OnInputEvent; InputManager.onDirectionInputEvent += OnDirectionInputEvent; } void OnDisable() { InputManager.onInputEvent -= OnInputEvent; InputManager.onDirectionInputEvent -= OnDirectionInputEvent; } //awake void Start() { animator = GetComponentInChildren(); playerState = GetComponent(); rb = GetComponent(); //assign layers and layermasks EnemyLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Enemy"); DestroyableObjectLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("DestroyableObject"); EnvironmentLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Environment"); HitLayerMask = (1 << EnemyLayer) | (1 << DestroyableObjectLayer); //display error messages for missing components if (!animator) Debug.LogError ("No player animator found inside " +; if (!playerState) Debug.LogError ("No playerState component found on " +; if (!rb) Debug.LogError ("No rigidbody component found on " +; //set invulnerable during jump if (!invulnerableDuringJump) { HitableStates.Add (UNITSTATE.JUMPING); HitableStates.Add (UNITSTATE.JUMPKICK); } } void Update() { //the player is colliding with the ground if(animator) isGrounded = animator.animator.GetBool("isGrounded"); //update defence state every frame Defend(InputManager.defendKeyDown); } //physics update void FixedUpdate(){ if (updateVelocity){ rb.velocity = fixedVelocity; updateVelocity = false; } } //late Update void LateUpdate(){ //apply any root motion offsets to parent if(animator && animator.GetComponent().applyRootMotion && animator.transform.localPosition != { Vector3 offset = animator.transform.localPosition; animator.transform.localPosition =; transform.position += offset * -(int)currentDirection; } } //set velocity in next fixed update void SetVelocity(Vector3 velocity){ fixedVelocity = velocity; updateVelocity = true; } //movement input event void OnDirectionInputEvent(Vector2 inputVector, bool doubleTapActive){ if(!MovementStates.Contains(playerState.currentState)) return; int dir = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Sign((float)-inputVector.x)); if(Mathf.Abs(inputVector.x)>0) currentDirection = (DIRECTION)dir; } #region Combat Input Events //combat input event private void OnInputEvent(string action, BUTTONSTATE buttonState) { if (AttackStates.Contains (playerState.currentState) && !isDead) { //running punch if(action == "Punch" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && playerState.currentState == UNITSTATE.RUN && isGrounded){ animator.SetAnimatorBool("Run", false); if(RunningPunch.animTrigger.Length>0) doAttack(RunningPunch, UNITSTATE.ATTACK, "Punch"); return; } //running kick if(action == "Kick" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && playerState.currentState == UNITSTATE.RUN && isGrounded){ animator.SetAnimatorBool("Run", false); if(RunningKick.animTrigger.Length>0) doAttack(RunningKick, UNITSTATE.ATTACK, "Kick"); return; } //pick up an item if (action == "Punch" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && itemInRange != null && isGrounded && currentWeapon == null) { interactWithItem(); return; } //use an weapon if (action == "Punch" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && isGrounded && currentWeapon != null) { useCurrentWeapon(); return; } //ground punch if (action == "Punch" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && (playerState.currentState != UNITSTATE.PUNCH && NearbyEnemyDown()) && isGrounded) { if(GroundPunchData.animTrigger.Length > 0) doAttack(GroundPunchData, UNITSTATE.GROUNDPUNCH, "Punch"); return; } //ground kick if (action == "Kick" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && (playerState.currentState != UNITSTATE.KICK && NearbyEnemyDown()) && isGrounded) { if(GroundKickData.animTrigger.Length > 0) doAttack(GroundKickData, UNITSTATE.GROUNDKICK, "Kick"); return; } //reset combo when switching to another combo chain (user setting) if (resetComboChainOnChangeCombo && (action != lastAttackInput)){ attackNum = -1; } //default punch if (action == "Punch" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && playerState.currentState != UNITSTATE.PUNCH && playerState.currentState != UNITSTATE.KICK && isGrounded) { //continue to the next attack if the time is inside the combo window bool insideComboWindow = (lastAttack != null && (Time.time < (lastAttackTime + lastAttack.duration + lastAttack.comboResetTime))); if (insideComboWindow && !continuePunchCombo && (attackNum < PunchCombo.Length -1)) { attackNum += 1; } else { attackNum = 0; } if(PunchCombo[attackNum] != null && PunchCombo[attackNum].animTrigger.Length > 0) doAttack(PunchCombo[attackNum], UNITSTATE.PUNCH, "Punch"); return; } //advance the punch combo if "punch" was pressed during a punch attack if (action == "Punch" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && (playerState.currentState == UNITSTATE.PUNCH) && !continuePunchCombo && isGrounded) { if (attackNum < PunchCombo.Length - 1){ continuePunchCombo = true; continueKickCombo = false; return; } } //special attack (both) if (action == "Punch" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS) { var pm = GetComponent(); if (pm != null && (pm.JumpNextFixedUpdate || (pm.jumpInProgress && pm.JumpIsRecent()))) { DoSpecialAttack(pm); Debug.Log("did special attack"); return; } } //jump kick (using punch button) if (action == "Punch" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && !isGrounded) { if(JumpKickData.animTrigger.Length > 0) { Debug.Log("did jump kick"); doAttack(JumpKickData, UNITSTATE.JUMPKICK, "Kick"); StartCoroutine(JumpKickInProgress()); } return; } //default kick if (action == "Kick" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && playerState.currentState != UNITSTATE.KICK && playerState.currentState != UNITSTATE.PUNCH && isGrounded) { //continue to the next attack if the time is inside the combo window bool insideComboWindow = (lastAttack != null && (Time.time < (lastAttackTime + lastAttack.duration + lastAttack.comboResetTime))); if (insideComboWindow && !continueKickCombo && (attackNum < KickCombo.Length -1)) { attackNum += 1; } else { attackNum = 0; } doAttack(KickCombo[attackNum], UNITSTATE.KICK, "Kick"); return; } //advance the kick combo if "kick" was pressed during a kick attack if (action == "Kick" && buttonState == BUTTONSTATE.PRESS && (playerState.currentState == UNITSTATE.KICK) && !continueKickCombo && isGrounded) { if (attackNum < KickCombo.Length - 1){ continueKickCombo = true; continuePunchCombo = false; return; } } } } public void DoSpecialAttack(PlayerMovement pm) { pm.CancelJump(); pm.JumpNextFixedUpdate = false; pm.SetDirection(currentDirection); doAttack(KickCombo[0], UNITSTATE.KICK, "Kick"); return; } #endregion #region Combat functions public bool IsPunching() { return playerState.currentState == UNITSTATE.PUNCH; } private void doAttack(DamageObject damageObject, UNITSTATE state, string inputAction){ animator.SetAnimatorTrigger(damageObject.animTrigger); playerState.SetState(state); //save attack data lastAttack = damageObject; lastAttack.inflictor = gameObject; lastAttackTime = Time.time; lastAttackInput = inputAction; lastAttackDirection = currentDirection; //turn towards current input direction TurnToDir(currentDirection); if(isGrounded) SetVelocity(; if(damageObject.forwardForce>0) animator.AddForce(damageObject.forwardForce); if(state == UNITSTATE.JUMPKICK) return; Invoke ("Ready", damageObject.duration); } public const float SIMULTANEOUS_BUTTON_SPACING = .03f; public bool AttackIsRecent() { return lastAttackTime > Time.time - PlayerCombat.SIMULTANEOUS_BUTTON_SPACING; } //use the currently equipped weapon void useCurrentWeapon(){ playerState.SetState (UNITSTATE.USEWEAPON); TurnToDir(currentDirection); SetVelocity(; //save attack data lastAttackInput = "WeaponAttack"; lastAttackTime = Time.time; lastAttack = currentWeapon.damageObject; lastAttack.inflictor = gameObject; lastAttackDirection = currentDirection; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentWeapon.damageObject.animTrigger)) animator.SetAnimatorTrigger(currentWeapon.damageObject.animTrigger); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentWeapon.useSound)) GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFX(currentWeapon.useSound); Invoke ("Ready", currentWeapon.damageObject.duration); //weapon degeneration if(currentWeapon.degenerateType == DEGENERATETYPE.DEGENERATEONUSE) currentWeapon.useWeapon(); if(currentWeapon.degenerateType == DEGENERATETYPE.DEGENERATEONUSE && currentWeapon.timesToUse == 0) StartCoroutine(destroyCurrentWeapon(currentWeapon.damageObject.duration)); if(currentWeapon.degenerateType == DEGENERATETYPE.DEGENERATEONHIT && currentWeapon.timesToUse == 1) StartCoroutine(destroyCurrentWeapon(currentWeapon.damageObject.duration)); } //remove the current weapon IEnumerator destroyCurrentWeapon(float delay){ yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay); if(currentWeapon.degenerateType == DEGENERATETYPE.DEGENERATEONUSE) GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFX(currentWeapon.breakSound); Destroy(currentWeapon.playerHandPrefab); currentWeapon.BreakWeapon(); currentWeapon = null; } //returns the current weapon public Weapon GetCurrentWeapon(){ return currentWeapon; } //jump kick in progress IEnumerator JumpKickInProgress(){ animator.SetAnimatorBool ("JumpKickActive", true); //a list of enemies that we have hit List enemieshit = new List(); //small delay so the animation has time to play yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f); //check for hit while (playerState.currentState == UNITSTATE.JUMPKICK) { //draw a hitbox in front of the character to see which objects it collides with Vector3 boxPosition = transform.position + (Vector3.up * lastAttack.collHeight) + Vector3.right * ((int)currentDirection * lastAttack.collDistance); Vector3 boxSize = new Vector3 (lastAttack.CollSize/2, lastAttack.CollSize/2, hitZRange/2); Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapBox(boxPosition, boxSize, Quaternion.identity, HitLayerMask); //hit an enemy only once by adding it to a list foreach (Collider col in hitColliders) { if (!enemieshit.Contains (col.gameObject)) { enemieshit.Add(col.gameObject); //hit a damagable object IDamagable damagableObject = col.GetComponent(typeof(IDamagable)) as IDamagable; if (damagableObject != null) { damagableObject.Hit(lastAttack); //camera Shake CamShake camShake = Camera.main.GetComponent (); if (camShake != null) camShake.Shake (.1f); } } } yield return null; } } //set defence on/off private void Defend(bool defend){ if(!DefendStates.Contains(playerState.currentState)) return; animator.SetAnimatorBool("Defend", defend); if (defend) { TurnToDir(currentDirection); SetVelocity(; playerState.SetState (UNITSTATE.DEFEND); animator.SetAnimatorBool("Run", false); //disable running } else{ if(playerState.currentState == UNITSTATE.DEFEND) playerState.SetState(UNITSTATE.IDLE); } } #endregion #region Check For Hit //check if we have hit something (Animation Event) public void CheckForHit() { //draw a hitbox in front of the character to see which objects it collides with Vector3 boxPosition = transform.position + (Vector3.up * lastAttack.collHeight) + Vector3.right * ((int)lastAttackDirection * lastAttack.collDistance); Vector3 boxSize = new Vector3 (lastAttack.CollSize/2, lastAttack.CollSize/2, hitZRange/2); Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapBox(boxPosition, boxSize, Quaternion.identity, HitLayerMask); int i=0; while (i < hitColliders.Length) { //hit a damagable object IDamagable damagableObject = hitColliders[i].GetComponent(typeof(IDamagable)) as IDamagable; if (damagableObject != null) { damagableObject.Hit(lastAttack); //we have hit something targetHit = true; } i++; } //nothing was hit if(hitColliders.Length == 0) targetHit = false; //on weapon hit if(lastAttackInput == "WeaponAttack" && targetHit) currentWeapon.onHitSomething(); } //Display hit box in Unity Editor (Debug) #if UNITY_EDITOR void OnDrawGizmos(){ if (lastAttack != null && (Time.time - lastAttackTime) < lastAttack.duration) { Gizmos.color =; Vector3 boxPosition = transform.position + (Vector3.up * lastAttack.collHeight) + Vector3.right * ((int)lastAttackDirection * lastAttack.collDistance); Vector3 boxSize = new Vector3 (lastAttack.CollSize, lastAttack.CollSize, hitZRange); Gizmos.DrawWireCube (boxPosition, boxSize); } } #endif #endregion #region We Are Hit //we are hit public void Hit(DamageObject d) { //check if we can get hit again if(Time.time < LastHitTime + hitThreshold) return; //check if we are in a hittable state if (HitableStates.Contains (playerState.currentState)) { CancelInvoke(); //camera Shake CamShake camShake = Camera.main.GetComponent(); if (camShake != null) camShake.Shake(.1f); //defend incoming attack if(playerState.currentState == UNITSTATE.DEFEND && !d.DefenceOverride && (isFacingTarget(d.inflictor) || blockAttacksFromBehind)) { Defend(d); return; } else { animator.SetAnimatorBool("Defend", false); } //we are hit UpdateHitCounter (); LastHitTime = Time.time; //show hit effect animator.ShowHitEffect (); //substract health HealthSystem healthSystem = GetComponent(); if (healthSystem != null) { healthSystem.SubstractHealth (d.damage); if (healthSystem.CurrentHp == 0) return; } //check for knockdown if ((hitKnockDownCount >= knockdownHitCount || !IsGrounded() || d.knockDown) && playerState.currentState != UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWN) { hitKnockDownCount = 0; StopCoroutine ("KnockDownSequence"); StartCoroutine ("KnockDownSequence", d.inflictor); GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition (d.hitSFX, transform.position + Vector3.up); GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition (knockdownVoiceSFX, transform.position + Vector3.up); return; } //default hit int i = Random.Range (1, 3); animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("Hit" + i); SetVelocity(; playerState.SetState (UNITSTATE.HIT); //add a small force from the impact if (isFacingTarget(d.inflictor)) { animator.AddForce (-1.5f); } else { animator.AddForce (1.5f); } //SFX GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition (d.hitSFX, transform.position + Vector3.up); GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition (hitVoiceSFX, transform.position + Vector3.up); Invoke("Ready", hitRecoveryTime); } } //update the hit counter void UpdateHitCounter() { if (Time.time - LastHitTime < hitKnockDownResetTime) { hitKnockDownCount += 1; } else { hitKnockDownCount = 1; } LastHitTime = Time.time; } //defend an incoming attack void Defend(DamageObject d){ //show defend effect animator.ShowDefendEffect(); //play sfx GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition (defenceHitSFX, transform.position + Vector3.up); //add a small force from the impact if (isFacingTarget(d.inflictor)) { animator.AddForce (-hitKnockBackForce); } else { animator.AddForce (hitKnockBackForce); } } #endregion #region Item interaction //item in range public void ItemInRange(GameObject item){ itemInRange = item; } //item out of range public void ItemOutOfRange(GameObject item){ if(itemInRange == item) itemInRange = null; } //interact with an item in range public void interactWithItem(){ if (itemInRange != null){ animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("Pickup"); playerState.SetState(UNITSTATE.PICKUPITEM); SetVelocity(; Invoke ("Ready", .3f); Invoke ("pickupItem", .2f); } } //pick up item void pickupItem(){ if(itemInRange != null) itemInRange.SendMessage("OnPickup", gameObject, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } //equip current weapon public void equipWeapon(Weapon weapon){ currentWeapon = weapon; currentWeapon.damageObject.inflictor = gameObject; //add player hand weapon if(weapon.playerHandPrefab != null) { GameObject PlayerWeapon = GameObject.Instantiate(weapon.playerHandPrefab, weaponBone) as GameObject; currentWeapon.playerHandPrefab = PlayerWeapon; } } #endregion #region KnockDown Sequence //knockDown sequence public IEnumerator KnockDownSequence(GameObject inflictor) { playerState.SetState (UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWN); animator.StopAllCoroutines(); yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); //look towards the direction of the incoming attack int dir = inflictor.transform.position.x > transform.position.x ? 1 : -1; currentDirection = (DIRECTION)dir; TurnToDir(currentDirection); //update playermovement var pm = GetComponent(); if(pm != null) { pm.CancelJump(); pm.SetDirection(currentDirection); } //add knockback force animator.SetAnimatorTrigger("KnockDown_Up"); while(IsGrounded()){ SetVelocity(new Vector3 (KnockbackForce * -dir , KnockdownUpForce, 0)); yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); } //going up... while(rb.velocity.y >= 0) yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); //going down animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("KnockDown_Down"); while(!IsGrounded()) yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); //hit ground animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("KnockDown_End"); CamShake camShake = Camera.main.GetComponent(); if (camShake != null) camShake.Shake(.3f); animator.ShowDustEffectLand(); //sfx GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition(dropSFX, transform.position); //ground slide float t = 0; float speed = 2; Vector3 fromVelocity = rb.velocity; while (t<1){ SetVelocity(Vector3.Lerp (new Vector3(fromVelocity.x, rb.velocity.y + Physics.gravity.y * Time.fixedDeltaTime, fromVelocity.z), new Vector3(0, rb.velocity.y, 0), t)); t += Time.deltaTime * speed; yield return null; } //knockDown Timeout SetVelocity(; yield return new WaitForSeconds(KnockdownTimeout); //stand up animator.SetAnimatorTrigger ("StandUp"); playerState.currentState = UNITSTATE.STANDUP; yield return new WaitForSeconds (KnockdownStandUpTime); playerState.currentState = UNITSTATE.IDLE; } #endregion //returns true if the closest enemy is in a knockdowngrounded state bool NearbyEnemyDown(){ float distance = GroundAttackDistance; GameObject closestEnemy = null; foreach (GameObject enemy in EnemyManager.activeEnemies) { //only check enemies in front of us if(isFacingTarget(enemy)){ //find closest enemy float dist2enemy = (enemy.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude; if (dist2enemy < distance) { distance = dist2enemy; closestEnemy = enemy; } } } if (closestEnemy != null) { EnemyAI AI = closestEnemy.GetComponent(); if (AI != null && AI.enemyState == UNITSTATE.KNOCKDOWNGROUNDED) { return true; } } return false; } //the attack is finished and the player is ready for new actions public void Ready() { //only continue a combo when we have hit something if (comboContinueOnHit && !targetHit) { continuePunchCombo = continueKickCombo = false; lastAttackTime = 0; } //continue a punch combo if (continuePunchCombo) { continuePunchCombo = continueKickCombo = false; if (attackNum < PunchCombo.Length-1) { attackNum += 1; } else { attackNum = 0; } if(PunchCombo[attackNum] != null && PunchCombo[attackNum].animTrigger.Length>0) doAttack(PunchCombo[attackNum], UNITSTATE.PUNCH, "Punch"); return; } //continue a kick combo if (continueKickCombo) { continuePunchCombo = continueKickCombo = false; if (attackNum < KickCombo.Length-1) { attackNum += 1; } else { attackNum = 0; } if(KickCombo[attackNum] != null && KickCombo[attackNum].animTrigger.Length>0) doAttack(KickCombo[attackNum], UNITSTATE.KICK, "Kick"); return; } playerState.SetState (UNITSTATE.IDLE); } //returns true is the player is facing a gameobject public bool isFacingTarget(GameObject g) { return ((g.transform.position.x > transform.position.x && currentDirection == DIRECTION.Left) || (g.transform.position.x < transform.position.x && currentDirection == DIRECTION.Right)); } //returns true if the player is grounded public bool IsGrounded(){ CapsuleCollider c = GetComponent (); float colliderSize = c.bounds.extents.y; #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.DrawRay (transform.position +, Vector3.down * colliderSize,; #endif return Physics.Raycast (transform.position +, Vector3.down, colliderSize + .1f, 1 << EnvironmentLayer ); } //turn towards a direction public void TurnToDir(DIRECTION dir) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward * -(int)dir); } //the player has died void Death(){ if (!isDead){ isDead = true; StopAllCoroutines(); animator.StopAllCoroutines(); CancelInvoke(); SetVelocity(; GlobalAudioPlayer.PlaySFXAtPosition(deathVoiceSFX, transform.position + Vector3.up); animator.SetAnimatorBool("Death", true); EnemyManager.PlayerHasDied(); StartCoroutine(ReStartLevel()); } } //restart this level IEnumerator ReStartLevel(){ yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); float fadeoutTime = 1.3f; UIManager UI = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); if (UI != null){ //fade out UI.UI_fader.Fade (UIFader.FADE.FadeOut, fadeoutTime, 0); yield return new WaitForSeconds (fadeoutTime); //show game over screen UI.DisableAllScreens(); UI.ShowMenu("GameOver"); } } }