You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

229 lines
7.2 KiB

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[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://SpinsUI.cs" id="10_1u7q7"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://OptionPicker.cs" id="11_uyb7w"]
[sub_resource type="LabelSettings" id="LabelSettings_my47k"]
font_size = 33
[node name="Game" type="Node2D"]
[node name="slot machine" type="Sprite2D" parent="." node_paths=PackedStringArray("Wheels")]
position = Vector2(288, 320)
texture = ExtResource("1_67gbi")
script = ExtResource("2_fbgsk")
Wheels = [NodePath("wheel"), NodePath("wheel2"), NodePath("wheel3")]
[node name="wheel" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine" node_paths=PackedStringArray("SlotSymbols")]
script = ExtResource("2_p4s0j")
SlotSymbols = []
[node name="Slot-symbol1" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel"]
position = Vector2(-126, -293)
texture = ExtResource("3_mqf40")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 2
[node name="Slot-symbol2" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel"]
position = Vector2(-130, -184)
texture = ExtResource("2_epvcj")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 3
[node name="Slot-symbol3" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel"]
position = Vector2(-123, -75)
texture = ExtResource("4_cdn8h")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
[node name="Slot-symbol4" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel"]
position = Vector2(-120, 34)
texture = ExtResource("5_gusk3")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 1
[node name="Slot-symbol5" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel"]
position = Vector2(-120, 143)
texture = ExtResource("2_epvcj")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 3
[node name="wheel2" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine" node_paths=PackedStringArray("SlotSymbols")]
position = Vector2(127, 0)
script = ExtResource("2_p4s0j")
SlotSymbols = []
[node name="Slot-symbol1" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel2"]
position = Vector2(-126, -293)
texture = ExtResource("3_mqf40")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 2
[node name="Slot-symbol2" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel2"]
position = Vector2(-130, -184)
texture = ExtResource("2_epvcj")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 3
[node name="Slot-symbol3" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel2"]
position = Vector2(-123, -75)
texture = ExtResource("4_cdn8h")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
[node name="Slot-symbol4" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel2"]
position = Vector2(-120, 34)
texture = ExtResource("5_gusk3")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 1
[node name="Slot-symbol5" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel2"]
position = Vector2(-120, 143)
texture = ExtResource("2_epvcj")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 3
[node name="wheel3" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine" node_paths=PackedStringArray("SlotSymbols")]
position = Vector2(259, 0)
script = ExtResource("2_p4s0j")
SlotSymbols = []
[node name="Slot-symbol1" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel3"]
position = Vector2(-126, -293)
texture = ExtResource("3_mqf40")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 2
[node name="Slot-symbol2" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel3"]
position = Vector2(-130, -184)
texture = ExtResource("2_epvcj")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 3
[node name="Slot-symbol3" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel3"]
position = Vector2(-123, -75)
texture = ExtResource("4_cdn8h")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
[node name="Slot-symbol4" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel3"]
position = Vector2(-120, 34)
texture = ExtResource("5_gusk3")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 1
[node name="Slot-symbol5" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine/wheel3"]
position = Vector2(-120, 143)
texture = ExtResource("2_epvcj")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 3
[node name="slot-front" type="Sprite2D" parent="slot machine"]
position = Vector2(2, -3)
texture = ExtResource("6_u8o3a")
[node name="ColorRect2" type="ColorRect" parent="slot machine"]
offset_left = -181.0
offset_top = -237.0
offset_right = -140.0
offset_bottom = -197.0
rotation = -9.56036e-05
scale = Vector2(8.93603, 1.87433)
color = Color(0.247059, 0.231373, 0.576471, 1)
[node name="ColorRect" type="ColorRect" parent="slot machine"]
offset_left = -279.679
offset_top = -346.019
offset_right = -239.679
offset_bottom = -306.019
scale = Vector2(14.16, 1)
color = Color(0.247059, 0.231373, 0.576471, 1)
[node name="Spins" type="Label" parent="."]
unique_name_in_owner = true
offset_left = 110.0
offset_top = 586.0
offset_right = 231.0
offset_bottom = 632.0
text = "Spins: 2"
label_settings = SubResource("LabelSettings_my47k")
script = ExtResource("10_1u7q7")
[node name="Readout" type="Label" parent="."]
unique_name_in_owner = true
offset_left = 358.0
offset_top = 586.0
offset_right = 479.0
offset_bottom = 632.0
label_settings = SubResource("LabelSettings_my47k")
horizontal_alignment = 2
script = ExtResource("10_1u7q7")
[node name="Points" type="Label" parent="."]
unique_name_in_owner = true
offset_left = 225.0
offset_top = 24.0
offset_right = 346.0
offset_bottom = 70.0
text = "000000"
label_settings = SubResource("LabelSettings_my47k")
horizontal_alignment = 2
[node name="Points" type="Label" parent="Points"]
offset_left = -57.0
offset_top = 50.0
offset_right = 184.0
offset_bottom = 101.0
text = "FUCKED UP "
label_settings = SubResource("LabelSettings_my47k")
horizontal_alignment = 1
[node name="Points2" type="Label" parent="Points"]
offset_left = -57.0
offset_top = 93.0
offset_right = 184.0
offset_bottom = 144.0
label_settings = SubResource("LabelSettings_my47k")
horizontal_alignment = 1
[node name="PayTable" type="Label" parent="."]
unique_name_in_owner = true
offset_left = 785.0
offset_top = 126.0
offset_right = 906.0
offset_bottom = 172.0
text = "7 = 7
pair = 25
3 of a kind = 100"
label_settings = SubResource("LabelSettings_my47k")
horizontal_alignment = 2
[node name="OptionPicker" type="Node2D" parent="."]
unique_name_in_owner = true
position = Vector2(5, 317)
script = ExtResource("11_uyb7w")
[node name="Option1" type="Sprite2D" parent="OptionPicker"]
position = Vector2(157, 216)
texture = ExtResource("3_mqf40")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 2
[node name="Option2" type="Sprite2D" parent="OptionPicker"]
position = Vector2(288, 216)
texture = ExtResource("3_mqf40")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 2
[node name="Option3" type="Sprite2D" parent="OptionPicker"]
position = Vector2(415, 216)
texture = ExtResource("3_mqf40")
script = ExtResource("5_3my0i")
SlotType = 2