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Custom equality comparers

To enable easier verification of custom Unity type values in your tests we provide you with some custom equality comparers:

Use these classes to compare two objects of the same type for equality within the range of a given tolerance using NUnit or custom constraints . Call Instance to apply the default calculation error value to the comparison. To set a specific error value, instantiate a new comparer object using a one argument constructor ctor(float error).

Static properties

Syntax Description
Instance A singleton instance of the comparer with a predefined default error value.


Syntax Description
ctor(float error) Creates an instance of comparer with a custom error value.allowedError. The relative error to be considered while comparing two values.

Public methods

Syntax Description
bool Equals(T expected, T actual); Compares the actual and expected objects for equality using a custom comparison mechanism. Returns true if expected and actual objects are equal, otherwise it returns false.